Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolutions not to make - duh!

So I just read this article "10 Resolutions You Should Never Make" and even though I was up late last night, and even though I haven't even had coffee yet, the whole article seems like a giant DUH! Read it for yourself here:

Let me go through it point by point.

Number 1 is to not resolve to get married by the end of the year. The writer says it's just too much pressure. I'd say it makes you decide somewhere around July that you have to settle for the best you've met in the first six months of the year. And let's be honest. If you meet somebody this weekend, how well do you really know them by the end of summer, when it's definitely time to make wedding plans? Do you know all about their family, their financial style, their parenting desires and skills? NO!

Number 2 says don't resolve to fit into your high school jeans. Growth doesn't actually stop until we're closer to 20 or 21. So unless you were repeatedly held back.... On the other hand, if you'd like to fit into your college jeans, that's a more realistic desire.

Number 3 says don't dye your hair the opposite color. Image consultants the world over would agree, with one major exception: if you've already dyed your hair a very faux shade! If you're bottle-blond but naturally a brunette, or you went Goth but are naturally golden-haired, you'll look much better with something closer to your natural color. A professional can help speed the process of correcting the color.

Number 4 - don't become famous? I guess I need to tell my show-biz clients to hang it all up? Never! They already know what they're getting into.

Number 5 - don't buy a new wardrobe. The writer assumes "new" equates to "fancy" but you know what happens when we ass-u-me! If you need an image update or overhaul, at least invest in the basics.

Number 6 says don't stop using Facebook. Hmmm, I never started and given the privacy concerns, I don't intend to. But if you're bored, like many, by all means feel free to spend your time in any way that's appropriate for you.

Number 7 says don't cut out sugars and starches completely. Not only would this put you on a water diet, but I think by now everyone knows that radical diets only work like fasting - for a day at a time, no more than once every few weeks.

Number 8 says don't win back your ex. Duh! If it's your ex, honey, the relationship ended for a reason. Why spend time and energy on somebody you already ditched?

Number 9 says don't start a blog. Again, this is assuming you're going to start blogging for profit, which, as the writer points out, isn't likely. True, but that's no reason you can't start. Blogs are great ways to keep in touch with family, friends, or business colleagues.

Number 10 (very one-sided) says don't try to change him. I'm going out on a limb and guessing you're an adult, in which case, you already know you can't change another person. But why assume it's only women who would try to change men? That attitude works both ways. I'm betting Ms. Writer made this mistake and was hurt as a result of her own actions. It's not so much that people don't care enough about you to change! If you fall in love with somebody, it sends the message that you like them they way they ARE, not the way you think they could be. By suddenly deciding that your partner could be better if only _____ (fill in the blank), YOU send the message that the person is no longer good enough for you. If you got that message out of the blue, how likely would you be to grovel and promist to try harder? Nobody else will, cupcake. If the person does something you never liked, well, duh, you knew it and accepted it before. You don't get to change the rules in the middle of the game so suck it up.

Do I sound harsh? I don't mean to. But you know I have little patience for deliberate ignorance. With so much solid information available on the web, I'm skeptical that anyone would really be surprised by anything in this article. What about you? Have you heard any truly dumb or ill-advised resolutions this year?

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